
Archive for the ‘LIFE JOURNEY’ Category

556727_10201878497220607_1461283341_n Positive Thinking… is as good as a Superstition if that is all you do…think positive. People are determined to change a situation in their lives by injecting positive thoughts and for most part it doesn’t work, but for those who know how to do it right, it is an act that attracts miracles. Positive thinking by itself doesn’t work because attached to it is HOPING that it will work. Hoping will not create the outcome, it is FAITH that moves mountains. Positive thinking is the first step you take. Having good thoughts to intentionally bring in what you desire is the way to start. One has to keep practicing these good thoughts without wishing and hoping for the outcome. The act of thinking positive is just that … an action. If we attach the outcome we become needy and frustrated until we lose patience and give up. Then we say “ it doesn’t work.” We go back to taking the necessary and available means to solving our problems. This is why most people say “ I hope thinking positive thoughts work.” because it doesn’t always work for them. However, if we are focused on the practice of thinking good thoughts directed to what we want to create in our life, the energy of positive thoughts magnifies. It achieves momentum and attracts the things that we are trying to bring forth. By not focusing on the end result or the desired outcome we don’t feel the lack of that desire which slows down the process. When we finally get into the habit of practicing the positive thoughts without the focus of the outcome, we forget the desire because we begin to feel happy and it doesn’t matter so much whether the outcome is here, or not here yet. Another sign of progress is that you begin to believe that it is possible and it is! because you are now allowing the unseen Source to work it for you instead of just your Ego pushing it’s way to get what it wants. Due to the work you did …ie.

  • Thinking positive
  • Practicing the positive thinking without attachment to the desire until it becomes a habit.
  • Believing that it is possible
  • Allowing for the desire to be brought to you.

you are able to align your desire with God/Source’s desire. When it matches the Source/God’s will…it will be brought to you at the right time with the very least effort and it will happen very quickly. So you better be listening and ready. This I can guarantee. It has happened to me many, many times. The saying “when it’s meant to be it will be” describes this reality perfectly. Sometimes no matter what positive thinking we do, no matter how we practice and believe it, it still may not happen. The reason is because it is not intended for us in the first place. If it is for your higher good, chances are it will be answered. If it isn’t? It is still answered according to what your soul’s needs are and not what your ego wants. So put your desires in check…is it your Soul’s need and desires or is it your Ego’s. If it is you Soul’s be patient without waiting and be ready.

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As Light filters to the New Earth, we will be faced with many challenges.  You may be experiencing difficulties arising in your life right now more than ever before, it is because as Light comes to the planet, each human being is being stripped off their egos. The dark within us that causes suffering must surface to be released. In order for us to release this, we are thrown challenges to deal with. How we react depends on the choices we make…we can choose to be beings of Light or we can be beings of darkness.

During this time when our planet is experiencing the Great Change in awakening, even the Lightworkers who have devouted their time and effort to being in the Light in order to help balance the world, they too are having a rough time, even tougher time now because anything that the ego has not let go yet is coming up. The Light is washing all of us. It is like being in a washing machine, we will all continue to be in the washing machine of Light until we are clean, ready for the new life awaiting us in the New Earth where love, peace, harmony, balance, joy and abundance is waiting.

We cannot just let the light do the work for us. The work we need to do is to know what attitude to apply when problems arise. How do we react? Do we react fighting it? Do we resist what we don’t like happening in our life at this time? Or do we accept it without resistance and go with the flow and trust that things will work out just fine, because you know …it will, you know why? Our Light energy will attract the solutions that will solve the issues. Remember the saying “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only Light can do that…” The same principle applies here. We need to tap into that light within us, each of us carry this light. When we resist, we are only given more to resist about, challenges will appear until we learn to respond with love and compassion, patience, understanding, and joy no matter what. It’s not easy to do but that’s what is asked of us. This is the Divine plan and we need to participate in making the change in order for us to move to the New Earth where we’ll never have to deal with any kind of suffering anymore… that pain that our ego created.

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untitledGoing through the Alchemy is not an easy process. When the soul is transforming, deep cleansing is needed and heavy negative issues are coming out to be released, to learn how to forgive and let go, how to drop negativity, the feeling of smallness and powerlessness. The soul is learning who he/she truly is.

That is what has been happening to me during the last few weeks, it may even have been months! I knew that I couldn’t stay in this spot for a long time. I know I have to raise my vibration quickly, in order for me to serve my purpose in life. It is very important that I springboard back to being a positive individual to evolve into a newly reborn spirit. I have learned how to use spiritual tools and I know I am well-equipped to pass this test. I just need now to turn around to get out of this low vibration experience I have been sitting on for a long time now.
So it’s time to act and put all the knowledge into practice.

1) I knew that I had to release the negative energy I had been carrying, so yesterday I committed myself into clearing my energy. I smudged with sage and I meditated with my CD Chanting the Chakras (Roots of Awakening) by Layne Redmond. I have found this CD very helpful when I needed to cleanse my energy. It unblocks energy. Once I listened to this CD, I could feel the energy run through me and I felt joyful as my spirit was being uplifted.

2) I knew that I need to forgive. I needed to forgive my situation, everyone and everything involved in the situation. I needed to forgive myself for reacting and holding on to a situation I didn’t like rather than accepting and letting it go without owning it. I knew better but my soul needed to go there in order for me to completely release it.

3) This morning, I woke up and first thing I did was count my blessings.

4) Afterwards I said my Affirmations…with I AM.
I AM Love… (going within and feeling how God is love and so I AM)
I AM Goodness (feeling how God is all Goodness and so I AM)
I AM Joy (feeling how God is Joy and so I AM)
I AM Beauty (feeling how God is Beauty and so I AM)
I AM Abundant (feeling how God is Abundant and so I AM)
I AM Creative (feeling how God is Creative and so I AM)

At the end of this affirmation I felt powerful, it’s like suddenly I have God’s power within me, and I become like Him.
Then I said… “Let there be prosperity in my life.”
“ Let there be clients knocking at our door, old prospects ready for Bob’s help, new prospects searching for Bob, and work lined up for us easily.”
I continued my affirmations/ intentions this way, then I realized…when God created us and our planet, He created it with His Consciousness, His Mind and His Love. He created them with ease. The Law of Manifestation teaches us to create by using our minds and feelings, being in the state of purity and therefore a mind that knows possibilities, isn’t that asking us to imitate God?  Also, isn’t it true that in order to manifest, we need to align ourselves with God, which to me is to be like His image and likeness…to be like gods and goddesses. I know people who refer us all as gods and goddesses but I really never paid attention to it. I knew what they mean but it didn’t really hit me like the way I understood it now. My exercise about affirming my intentions like I AM the God within me and feeling His power made me aware of my strength within that I can create anything easily for God created with no effort. He brought us the Law of Least Effort because He wanted us all to know that it is what is intended. Man created work, but we are more than just a man. Each of us is given access to this power but because of our ego, we never really found this.

As it turned out, Bob didn’t put in his usual 8 hours of work. Today he too changed his practices. He let the Law of the Least Effort work for him.
“The fourth spiritual law of success is the Law of Least Effort. This law is based on the fact that nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of harmony and love.” By Deepak Chopra
This morning he had four appointments and one referral which landed his 5th appointment.

As for me, my day was productive. I was feeling inspired, ready to create, I saw beauty around me, I had joy in my heart, had a spring in my step and love was back in all aspect of my life.

When we find out who we truly are…we have access to the kingdom of God.
So, I AM moving forward…happily!

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untitledThe last two days, I found myself giving into lower energies by noticing my beloved husband’s reaction on daily life situations. I was attentive to the way he talked, the thoughts and emotions he unconsciously sent out. In the 3D world we live in today and moving away from, his action is NORMAL. However, if you are working on being “AWAKE” and making an effort to transform into a more loving human being, all these “normality” needs to be tweaked in order to evolve into an enlightened person. We are heading to the Golden Era of our New World and we couldn’t just be unconsciously reacting and sending low vibrations into our space. Mind you I did too but I was conscious about my reactions and chose to dwell on it anyways. Frustration sat in, rather than turning around to be loving and compassionate.

So during meditation today, I asked for help. I knew that I needed to get past this frustration. How can I be loving instead of correcting and making him understand or be aware of his actions? I knew I couldn’t continue to hold his hand, I quit doing this because I realized, he has to do the work himself, find his own way towards his transformation. I know he makes the effort and he really tries but because the work that has to be done is different from the “norm” it is the not easy. I’m sure it didn’t come easy for me as well at the beginning. It is just hard for me to see the negativity of the “old practice” because I worked hard on eliminating old beliefs and practices to enjoy the fuller and freer life.

I began meditating by asking Archangel Michael to clear all the negativity in my energy field, within my body, in the crevices of my internal system, between my cells and organs. I imagined releasing it to Archangel Michael. Then I thanked him for his continued assistance. (As you may already guess, I call upon him a lot when it comes to clearing and raising my vibration.) I then offered all that I know, the wisdom, knowledge and understanding back to God. This way, I didn’t own them, I surrendered everything I know to Him. I was empty again and I was ready to listen.

The first thought that came to me was …“Listen to your breathing. Do you feel life as you inhale and exhale? That is God, the life force in you and in every one of you. That is energy within you, some call it spirit, soul but regardless of what you call it, it is something that gives you life. Let’s keep this simple, let’s remove the labels or names. Let’s remove the religious teachings, beliefs, personalities, one’s character, gender, race …that life force is still there. Regardless of who you think you are, that doesn’t change the life force within you. What you see in others exists in you. Remove all the complicated stuff (that man created) i.e. religion,  beliefs based on society’s practices and their past, personalities, education, professions, wealth accumulations, race and genders, international borders, you are all made of the same life force who is God, you are all created from One Source. These complicated stuff caused you to be separated from one another, competing rather than loving one another. Now that you understand this…see the light and goodness in everyone. The God in you is present in others. Compassion is built by overlooking the mistakes and shortcomings of others.

I realized that by God’s grace I am able to know what I now know. He gave me the Grace of Courage to make the change, the Grace of Passion to be committed to my transformation, the Grace of Understanding to follow this road, the Grace to Hear so I can act, and the Grace of Faith so I can stay on this path. It dawns on me that Grace is freely given by God at the right time to everyone. I really don’t know the Grace my husband is receiving but now I know that God gives him what he needs for his own evolvement today.

This changed my perspective. I realized that I now can be loving instead of needing to correct. I could choose to see the beauty in every bad situation. Would it be easy? Heck no! but I know I can try to focus on the gift that God gave me in my husband. I wouldn’t be able to reach where I am now spiritually without his support. He allowed me to grow and expand so I guess I should be there to support him as well, and trust that God has him covered because God is within him.


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ImageWhen I am visited by FEAR, my weapon was to respond with LOVE for I know Love and Fear cannot exist together.

Last night’s meditation with the group was wonderful. I started affirming that I am LOVE. I imagined pink light, the colour of a rose quartz, radiating inside my body. I allowed it to glow sending the pink light to the people in the room, then sending it to my family then extending it outward to the world. Suddenly I stopped because I began feeling the love. This time I am receiving the love. The feeling of love when I was in Abadiania came back. I just reveled on the feeling until our meditation was over.

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hokeypokeyGood morning Tuesday! Something got me excited when an unusual thing happened before I got up. I was awake but I kept my eyes closed. Suddenly, I saw I a small yellow light dot, which became bigger and bigger. It opened up into a shape of a picture. I saw a long metal post facing me and the floor where it was planted. I tried to hold on to this picture as long as I could because I know when these things occur; they don’t last. The picture was like a motion picture in the old days but the color was in yellow for a while and then it became black and white before it disappeared. This vision probably lasted 30-40 seconds.  I have no idea what the picture was about but I am happy that it seems like my third eye is starting to open up. I had snippets of clear visions in my mind before this but they were so short that I really couldn’t make out what they were. The first experience  I had, was when I was in the current room meditating in Abadiania. It caught me by surprise when I saw the sun, shining so bright and I was staring at it. That vision was so clear it lasted about as long as this last one. I don’t really know up to now why that appeared to me but someone interpreted it as the third eye when I was there.

Before Dec. 21st, there was a lot of talk in the Spiritual community about the Ascension of our planet Earth and the Humanity. There were so many Ascension symptoms shared by  people around the world. I became interested in knowing more as I too had been experiencing them. One of the things I found out was that we human beings as we become awakened we are capable of so many gifts and one of them is the power of the third eye. Some people are already born with it, but just because most are not, doesn’t mean we don’t have it. The readings suggested that to open the third eye, one must be aware of what they eat. I have slowed down my intake of coffee and tea. I drink coffee now only in the weekends. I am careful of what I eat, avoiding fried food which is not good for the pineal gland (the one that is associated with the third eye), and I don’t drink wine as much as I like. Last night I was very tempted because the suggestion of celebrating Valentine’s Day yesterday came up, so that we can drink wine because on February 14th, Bob will be on medication after his root canal. The wine is there waiting, in fact the white is already opened. The major deciding factor for me was “what is this going to do with my third eye?” As soon as that thought arrive, I let go the desire to drink the wine.

This morning’s experience was like small prize for being conscious and for putting importance to what I believe I could have…the power of my third eye. If the talk about Ascension was true to me then, I am more convinced of the truth of it. It’s like I’m in a position to choose what direction to take and it’s up to me to go forward or to stay in my old life, old self. As I demonstrate it to my hubby, it’s like dancing the hokey pokey. I put one foot in the Fourth Dimensional plane and then I pulled it back to the Third Dimensional world we live in. One thing I am sure is that I am going about this slowly, openly and with determination, patience and detachment.  Really, I am just enjoying the journey!

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My Solar Plexus Needs Help!

Tigers_eye_egg_shapeToday was a great day. I was upbeat, excited and just bubbly. However, I miss interaction with my husband because for the past few days, he has been suffering from a painful toothache. The infection was so bad that the dentist couldn’t even help fix it ’till the infection is controlled. Due to this, I must be absorbing all the negative energy that is in his system; imagine the pain, frustration, anger and feeling victimized. I couldn’t help but listen to how he is feeling. I would have reacted differently. I know how to heal my body fast or at the very least I know how to stop my body from contracting even more when in pain or ill. So, I felt frustrated too and I guess this affected my body. I could feel the pressure in my stomach. There was no pain, just a little knot, it’s like when you feel anxious, you can feel that knot in your gut. This uneasy feeling started when he began to have the toothache. Each day since, I ignored his whining. I had to protect my body. There was constant hugging but I remove myself as soon as there is a story about the pain.

When I picked my Angel card for the day, I got the Solar Plexus card. The solar plexus is where the abdominal area is located. I thought that it was perfect! The card asked me to pray to Archangel Michael to help me cut the cord of negative energy lingering in my solar plexus area. It explained why I might be having such negative feeling. It told me that it was okay for me to feel powerful. It assured me that what I am doing is alright. It suggested that I get a gemstone that pertains to the Solar Plexus. Citrine is the obvious one and fortunately, I have two small citrines to use.

I was getting ready to meditate. I decided to let go of my clear crystal and to substitute it with the citrine. As I passed by the dining area, I directed my eyes to the pair of Tiger Eyes stone on display. Yes! I had totally forgotten about it. Since we acquired them, I had not had a chance to use them for meditation. Tiger Eye is also the Solar Plexus stone and it is also the stone for new beginning, for helping with connecting the physical and spiritual aspects of life. The tiger eyes seemed to have called me to take them today, which is also the Chinese New Year. Considering where I am right now in life, it makes sense that I should work on my Solar Plexus Chakra as well. To me these are all coming together very nicely.

During meditation, I could feel the stones alive. It somehow activated the energy in my body. There was a tapping sensation on the side of my right eye, my left arm started pulsating, as well as my hands that were holding the stones and my lower back too. The usual experience such as cold air just above my nose and reflection of light with my eyes closed and in a dark room, arrived as well.

When I was done with my meditation, I decided to incorporate the tapping EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique) I have been learning during these past days. I started acknowledging the anxious feeling in my abdominal area as I tapped the meridian points of the body to clear the energy system. I have forgiven the feeling that was causing my solar plexus to contract and then I expressed the love for my body and my wish to help clear it from any negative energy. I reassured that part of my body, that all is well and that there was nothing to be fearful about. After maybe five rounds of tapping, I felt my stomach relax. There was definitely a lighter feeling.

Wow! I did it! Never will I allow any negative emotion to live in my system again. Thank you to the Tapping World Summit that I came across last week. Thank you God for sending me angels for guidance.

Like I said, I had a pretty good day. A day of self care. The day started with a healthy Paleo meal, then a walk by the river and now I am ending it with some Smooth Jazz music as I say Goodnight!

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Ok…what was the upset all about.

At 5:30 am this morning, I woke up without my hubby beside me. I went to look for him and he was in his office. He got up at 5:30 thinking he heard the alarm and thought it was 6:30. So he got dressed to get ready to drive our daughter to school. I don’t like waking up in the morning without him beside me. Yes, I am spoiled that way. More spoiled to be able to express my disappointment to a point of making a big act of it. So, my loving husband went back to bed to try to calm me down. He knew that lately, I have been trying really hard to raise my energy because I have been experiencing what they call the dark night of the soul.

Since the Ascension, my soul seemed to be in a continuing path of soul discovery and learning. They say that issues we are dealing with in our lives have lessons behind them. I have been trying to crack the reason why things were not as easy for me as before. I have learned the lessons and I know what to do but it seems like there are more lessons I need to experience before I can finally attain freedom.

One thing I know was to take one day at a time. I already know how to be conscious of how I think and feel so getting to the root of the problem is the hard part because I have no clue why I am experiencing some issues over and over again. I also know that if I focus on the problem I wouldn’t be able to get to the solution so I tried to protect my energy. I truly believed that in Abadiania I was infused with more energy to help me grow in my Spiritual Journey. I didn’t want to lose this gift by going back to my old habits. So yesterday, I vowed to take good care of myself. I ate the right food, drank lots of water, laughed, meditated, spent time in my secret garden and just breathed. It was a great day, yesterday… then this morning.

Despite my husband’s gentleness during my outburst, I was not calming down. My mind was busy trying to find fault which were all lies. My Ego was in for a big show, however, my Soul was making me see what I was doing. It whispered to me what it’s doing to my energy that I have been working on building so I could end my problem. It also showed me that I really didn’t want to go back in my old ways, torturing my loving husband when he didn’t do anything wrong.

It was not easy to just turn around and start all over. I have a very bad temper and when it comes to my husband it gets worst. I can easily dismiss other’s mistakes but not his. Up to now I am still wondering why it is so. Since it was him I was upset with this morning I knew that I could be carrying this negative energy all day…and I didn’t want it. However, it was not so easy to just drop it, and move on because my anger had already skyrocketed.  Instead, I tried to work on focusing on something else.

I began chanting, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE… in my head.

Then I tried to imagine letting go of colourful balloons and the red (representing my anger) one going last. I still haven’t calm down but at this time, my energy is very important and I know I am the only one who can protect it, so I began to imagine green healing light of St. Raphael flowing into the crevices of my body, surrounding all my cells. Then I sent love to my cells.

I just started reading a book about healing. In the book Power of Healing by Robert Pellegrino-Estrich tells that we are energy and that our body affects our Cell Memory.

According to American scientist Hudson Hoagland, 500 million cells die in the human body every day. All protein, of which the human body is largely made up, is replaced every 180 days. This means that the body we see today is different to the one we had five months ago. Why is it then that the body stays the same and maladies remain? Long-term memory, stored in DNA, which derives its blueprint from the master memory, stored in the ethereal body ( the aura). This long term master memory blueprint is the storehouse of thousand years of evolutionary development and life experiences. Newer, more recent memories of the body’s latest status are stored within the cells. When the cells reach the end of the cycle they pass on the most recent memories to the new cells including any improvements, imbalances or disease ( dis ease as discomfort) currently endured. Hence the body is unwell at the time of the transfer, the cell passes on the memory of the imbalance and illness continues until the condition is reversed or the memory is changed.

You can see why it is important for me to take care of my cells, therefore taking care of my energy by being aware of my thoughts and feelings. I wanted to understand this so much, that I dedicated myself to experimenting in the knowledge I pick up from the books I read. For me, it is very important to learn by experience and these experiences are what I share in my practice as a lifecoach. For me it is not enough that my problems are solved. Like a scientist, I dive into the problem, dissect the issue and because solutions I find are not in the material world yet I have to change my mindset and emotions in order to manifest it to the material world. This applies to health, financés, opportunities or career, etc.

Anyway, after I sent love to my cells and picturing the green healing light surrounding each and every cell, I became peaceful. It was like one snap of my fingers. I never calmed down that fast. It was like a miracle. I continued my picturing the love words on each of the cells, telling them everything is fine. When I saw the love marked on the cells, I began to feel loving towards my husband. My back was facing him so I turned and snuggled to him. I could still feel a knot on my stomach and I sent it love as well. The knot, like the clasp on a closed chain, broke lose.

When they say that the power we need is within us. I now can see what they mean. By choosing how we think and feel, we have the power to change any undesirable situations in our lives.

I am beginning to deeply understand that whatever goes outside ourselves are not who we are.

I am very grateful for this blessing of being able to understand this. Thank you God for this experience.

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What is your New Year’s Resolution?

I’d say for me it is …“I will do my best to CREATE my DREAMS!”

When I left my work as an Interior Designer, and became a Life coach I realized I am really a Life Designer. Everything I coach others, I learned through application and experiencing the spiritual teachings. I practiced them to change my life, then I realized that I have control over my life.

Now, I love to experiment.  My decisions are always based on love and synchronicities. I can feel God is always working with me because I am very happy along the way. I never regretted the choices I made.  I may not like the result at times but regardless, I have enjoyed the journey as it is not the achievement the goal but the journey that makes my life colourful. This is my version of short term loss for long term gain. I believe that we cannot live our lives so cautiously, because if we do, we never really LIVED.

So for me this 2013, I am trying many different things but one that I am challenging myself to achieve is the Art of Manifestation. I know that we all can create the things we desire. With the right intention and practice we have the power to create.

In order for me to do this, I have to set the following habits to practice daily.

  1. Each day I have to make sure I am always in a good mood. I must be aware of my emotions. I have to always raise my energy vibration and I can do this by staying happy, being grateful, loving, and peaceful.

It is very important to stay upbeat in order to manifest our dreams. However, one can’t just be happy. We need to be happy and loving as well, because we have to mirror God. It wouldn’t work if I am just happy but I am always angry with someone, or peaceful but I complain all the time…do you get what I mean? Sometimes, it might be really hard, but here is when my free will comes… do I want to be successful in achieving my desires or should I give in to my short term anger or unhappiness. So for those who wants to try this but saying, “yeah but it’s hard sometimes …my advise is to focus on the dream and do not give in to what you don’t like.

        2.     Each day I set some time aside to deliberately think of my dream. I use my time before going to bed. As I lay on bed to meditate, I try to visualize the dream. I imagine the dream already existing. I am not very good at visualizing yet but as I think of my dream, I add the feeling. I have to feel joy, excitement, the love as I imagine my dream. I know the more I feel the joy, the more it is effective.

        3.     As I wake up, I give thanks to everything that I already have. 

        4. Sometime during the day, I do something for my dream. Let say, I want to travel. I will research everything about the place; find out how much is the fare, even though I may not be financially ready. I will act as though I am ready. I will do this every day, I move towards my dream every day. This was my practice before I went to Abadiania, Brazil to see John of God.

 For some this may seem foolish but this is how you show the Universe, that you are committed to your dream. The Spiritual gurus will tell you “fake it till you make it” and I recently heard this from a Franciscan father, teaching Manifestation on a Parish Renewal Mini-Retreat. Sometimes we are so focused on the events that are not making us happy and we say, “ because it exists and it’s the reality.” But the Universe doesn’t sort our thoughts and feelings; it just gives us whatever we produce with our minds and hearts every day. So if this is the case, no wonder we keep getting the same life events. Does it make sense to a lot time to imagine, visualize and focus on our dreams like they are also real…now? Do you believe that you will create the dream just like you keep creating your existing life situation?

        5.     Before I close my eyes at night, I say thank you for the blessings that are on the way.

I say it like I already received it, for example; “Thank you for the beautiful sunny day here in Rio de Janeiro. or thank you for the success of my new book.”

Again fake it till you achieve it. This becomes your affirmation daily. Affirmations don’t feel real at the beginning but stick with it, soon you will feel it like it’s real. Remember your subconscious mind does not know what is real or not and it is the subconscious mind that creates our reality.

       6.     I am going to practice Patience and Faith. Expect what I am asking and trying to manifest is already mine. I claim it.

Sometimes, we ask and desire something but we get discouraged. We sometimes doubt ourselves in that what we want to have is too big in our own minds, only because we don’t know how to get there, we get shaky about our expectation of realizing the dream.

We must remember, our intention is sufficient enough. We have to abandon the curse of the “HOW.” Our ego mind will try to find a way to make us do the work to achieve our dreams. We may get it but we didn’t have fun getting there because we worked too hard. In asking the Universe to co-create our dreams all we need is to send out the intention and imagine. The work is in believing that we can make it come true. God is co-creating with us, He will send us people and opportunities to help us realized our dream. We will find ourselves meeting synchronistic events. This is why, whether our situation affords us to act on our dream or not, if we do something towards the dream as suggested in no. 4, we will get to our dream. Do what we can, with what we have and leave the rest to God. While doing this, be open to receive, expect the result and stay happy, loving and patient.

      7. At the end of the day, I have to let go. I should not have the need to want it too much, because if I do, it is only a reminder that my dream has not arrived yet.

Practice the Law of Detachment because the more attachment we give our desires the more it goes away, the longer our wait will be. We must not wait or act like it is still missing in our lives. People sometimes think praying is enough, or to think positive is the trick. Praying is effective if we practice detachment, if we surrender our intentions to God and if we have the faith that it’s all taken cared of. I can tell you it isn’t  easy. However, if we master this Art of Manifestation, we can bring into being any desires of our heart. We will be able to do the work we love, able to have more time to enjoy; our life will be filled with happiness because we are finally experiencing freedom.

Is it worth a shot? I think so… that is why, I have created my intentions for this year and also my goals for the next 5 years. By the end of the year, I will tell you which of my dreams come true.

PS. Talking about Intentions, I just opened my wish container from last year. Every time I wanted to ask for help, I wrote the intention. Today, I wanted to start a new one for this year so I opened the jar to see what I wrote last year. There were some answered intentions and I wrote thank you at the back of the paper. There were some that are still in progress. There were some that needed revising. I felt really happy for all the wishes that came answered. Ahhh… don’t you just feel good to know that you are not alone and that you don’t always have to work hard to get what you want in life? And YES, God is Good. Try to work with Him, after all we are His Co-Creator. Remember your answered prayers and intentions are His way of showing what a great God He is, so don’t be scarce with your dreams. Begin to Dream Big!

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As we begin the First Year of the Enlightenment Age, do you wonder what it really means to live in what most call it as the Golden Age? How is it possible to be so hopeful about starting a Golden Age when after the end of the Mayan Calendar nothing really happened? Are we just being optimistic of the coming years particularly the one we are at now, the year 2013?

Let me tell you how we can begin the Golden Age. Regardless of what was predicted or hoped for by the enlightened ones, how about looking at this positively as a step towards improving where we used to be. Call it a New Year’s Resolution only this is not one that only involves you.

If we don’t look at the change we desire for the world and for ourselves in a big picture maybe if we look at changing in a small way each day, we can possibly see a Golden Age.

People have shifted, as the New Earth shifted. More people are aware of who they are, what they want to become. We know that we are here to achieve peace, unity and happiness. We know we want to be free and abundant, and to live a beautiful life. We all want that.

If we all agree on these as a must have our life here on Earth, then aren’t we supposed to work to get there? If so then we should see the end of complaining, arguing, blaming and waiting for a change. We will become the change we want to see in the world.

How to Begin the Golden Year.

1. This year 2013 the Year of the Snake, we must learn to lighten up. Like a snake we should shed our old skin. Let go of the baggage that is holding us. The dark in our past must go, it doesn’t serve us, however we may relish on the wonderful experiences of the past. These help us fill our minds with beautiful thoughts especially if the current events are not as we want it to be…yet.

2. Open you mind to boundless possibilities. Each day is a new beginning where the past and the future do not exist. Use this day to create your beautiful life. The new year is the perfect time to get into the habit of bringing in only what you love and what makes you happy. Care for yourself, don’t let anyone or anything ruin it for you.

3. Give Love to every one you meet, all animals you encounter, everything you do.

Don’t get offended by someone who isn’t  loving towards you. Remember it is their Karma and not yours. Keep spreading love and you will attract love in abundance. Don’t take your job seriously, I mean … give it your best shot, love it anyway as you create something new for yourself,  by focusing on your dreams. It is only in sending a high vibrational energy as loving it that you will attract what you dream of.

4. Be mindful of your energy. Everything in this life is energy. We all came from God who is the Source of all things. God is love and love is???? BINGO! Love is the Highest Vibrational Energy because God is Love. To be angry, hateful, unloving, judgmental, critical, dissatisfied, any negative emotion and thinking are being disconnected with God.

By being Grateful, Loving, Peaceful and Happy we align our energy with God and good things manifest in our lives because we are connected with Him. In staying with the High Vibrational Energy we can do anything because we are allowing God to manifest His greatness in our lives by removing the energy that blocks Him giving us all His goodness.

5. Remind yourself you are a Spirit with a Physical Body and not the other way around.

We have to recognize that our Spirit is the one that leads us. For most of our lifetime, we listened to our ego mind, the one that sets limitations. It is about time that we listen to our Spirit. In order for us to listen to it’s guidance we need to set aside a time of quiet in our daily lives. God speaks to us through silence. This year 2013, make some time to allow our Spirit and God to convene.

6. Small Steps Daily towards the Golden Years

            Act of Gratitude

Say 3 or more things you are grateful for before you get out of bed.

Write 10 things you are thankful for before you head to bed

 I find that once I start writing I can’t stop.  Don’t wait for big things to say thank you to our Creator. Have you thought of thanking Him for the bountiful clean water you enjoy everyday? How about waking up in the morning, in the comfort of your home that keeps you warm and safe? Or for the bills you paid every month? You see we didn’t need to wait for the big things or events.

           Act of Kindness/ Act of Giving

Smile at someone.

Make someone laugh.

Help someone.

Be patient with someone.

Be understanding of someone.

and…many more

          Act of Joy  – What can you do to put a smile on your face daily? You don’t need to wait for anyone to make you smile. Choose to do something such as a drinking a cup of tea as you read a book, watch comedy, pet a dog that you met on your walk, give someone a hug, etc.

          Act of Love 

 Read something you love

Watch something you love

Listen to something you love

Spend time with someone you love

Pamper yourself with self care

Relax and Breathe

Do Act of Kindness or Pay it Forward

and more… the trick is to be aware of the love you are putting into the act. Revel in it, don’t multi-task, take your time and feel the love.

So what do you think? Is the Golden Age possible if we work towards it?

You ask, how does this achieve the world change? Imagine if each and everyone of us does what this article suggested, through the law of the Universe that governs to give us order, the people who practice this consciousness, as a collective group will create this loving, peaceful and united world that we desire. We aren’t waiting for God to just give it to us. We are going to co-create with God the world we would like to see.

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